Art and Craft Tourism

Undoubtedly, India is the richest country in terms of cultural heritage as it has an unending collection of arts and crafts. The results would still be same, even if you skip the applied arts or handicrafts. Thus, there are countless objects made by hands, throughout India on daily basis. These artifacts are objects of personal artistic expressions, national pride, symbols of family heritage and identity and sources of livelihood, for the artisans. On the other hand, these artifacts are to facilitate household chores, souvenirs, a source of beauty, marks of refined taste, etc. 

Art & Craft make an integral part to the identity of India. The world of faith and belief of the artist finds manifestation in both folk as well as classical arts. Along with the chance of meeting several crafts persons, SINPRA Holidays offers you Art and Craft Tours to have a firsthand glance of the unique arts and crafts of India. Inquire Now !!!