27 Nights / 28 Days

Destination Covered: Delhi – Paro – Sharna – Thangkthanka – Jangtothang – Lingshi – Chebisa – Shomuthang – Shomu – Robluthang – Lemithang – Laya – Rodophu – Narithang – Tarina – Woche – Lhedi – Thanza – Tshochena – Jichu Dramo – Chukarpo – Tampetso – Maorothang – Nikachu – Chazam – Thimphu – Paro


Lunana Snowman Trek tour is planned to let you explore the most difficult trek in the world. The tour is an extension to the beautiful Laya-Lingshi-Gasa trek which offers stunning views of Mount Jomolhari, Jichu Drake and Gangchhenta. During the trek you may spot the blue sheep and also observe some of the beautiful Bhutanese mountain villages. Enjoy this trekking tour that passes through the snow capped mountains, crystal lakes, alpine forests and remotest villages in this mystical nomad land. 

Note: This is just a suggested itinerary indicative of what could be possible. We customize holidays for your specific needs. Contact us if you want modifications so that we could customize a holiday to suit your need for an unforgettable International tour.


  • Visit the major tourist attractions of Paro including Rinpung Dzong, Ta Dzong, Drukgyel Dzong, Kyichu Lhakhang and the Dungtse Lhakhang.
  • Explore the Taktshang Lhakhang one of the famous Bhutan’s monasteries, at Paro
  • Excursion at the Jigme Dorji National Park
  • Guided tour to Lingshi Dzong
  • Trek to the beautiful villages and valleys of Bhutan covering Thangkthanka, Jangtothang, Lingshi,  Chebisa, Shomuthang, Shomu, Robluthang, Lemithang and the Laya
  • Admire the beautiful sceneries of  Bhutan villages and valleys including Rodophu, Narithang, Tarina, Woche, Lhedi, Thanza, Tshochena, Jichu Dramo, Chukarpo, Tampetso and the Maorothang
  • Enjoy the mesmerizing surroundings around the Umtso Lake
  • Enjoy the breath taking view of Masakhang, Tsendegang and Teri Gang mountain ranges 


Day 1: Delhi – Paro


In the morning after breakfast, transfer to Delhi airport to board a flight to Paro. On reaching Paro airport, meet our representative who’ll escort you to one of our listed hotels. Rest and relax for the day in the cozy comfort of your hotel room. In the evening take a leisurely walk to explore the nearby area of Paro.  Return to the hotel in the evening for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2: Paro


Next morning after breakfast, proceed for a sightseeing of Paro. The major tourist attractions of Paro include Rinpung Dzong, Ta Dzong, Drukgyel Dzong, Kyichu Lhakhang and the Dungtse Lhakhang. Paro is home to many of Bhutan’s oldest temples and monasteries, National Museum and country’s only airport. In the evening visit the Taktshang Lhakhang one of the famous Bhutan’s monasteries. In the evening return to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Paro – Sharna


Post breakfast, take a short drive Paro to reach Drukgyel Dzong. After reaching Drukgyel Dzong start for the trekking route. Trek towards Paro Chhu river valley through a narrowing agriculture valley. The trail passes through the small settlements of Chang Zampa and the Mitshi Zampa. Enjoy overnight stay at Sharna.

Day 4: Sharna – Thangkthanka 


Today in the morning after breakfast, continue trekking uphill through the river valley. The trail winds in and out of the blue pine and rhododendron forest. During the trail, pass through the Jigme Dorji National Park to visit the wildlife and changes in vegetation. Enjoy camping at Thangkthanka.

Day 5: Thangkthanka  Jangothang


Post breakfast, trek to Pa Chu pass a small army post from where the valley widens up. Midway through the trek, cross Tengethang which is also the winter of the local Yak herders. The trek continues till Jangothang (13,250 ft/4040 mt) where you watch the sun set between Mt. Jichu Drake (6989m) and Mt. Jhomolhari (7314m).

Day 6: Jangtothang – Lingshi


In the morning after breakfast, walk by the yak pastures while crossing the Nyile La pass at 16135 ft.  While trekking enjoy the great views of Lingshi Dzong and descend to the Lingshi basin. Visit the Tserim Kang and its descending glaciers at the north end of the valley. Enjoy camping in a stone shelter equipped with fire pit and wooden floor for a comfortable sleep. 

Day 7: Lingshi – Chebisa


Post breakfast, the trek to Chebisa is a short walk stretch which can be covered at a leisurely pace. Upon reaching Chebisa village explore the nearby area and the village houses. Stay the night in the camps.

Day 8: Chebisa – Shomuthang


After breakfast, trek through the wild high pastures, a sparsely inhabited area. Further the trail heads to Gobula pass situated at an altitude of 14268 ft. Stay the night at the camp situated on a bench above Mo Chu tributary.  

Day 9: Shomuthang – Robluthang


Start the day early for crossing the Jerela Pass, situated at an altitude of 4600 mts. After crossing Jerela, trail down to Tsharijathang. Enjoy the viewing the herds of Takin in the Tsharijathang valley. Enjoy dinner and overnight stay at the camps.

Day 10: Robluthang – Lemithang


Today after crossing the Shingela pass, situated at an altitude of 4900 mts, the trail descends down. Following the valley reach Lemithang, in Laya district and enjoy the sight of wonderful children in funny hats. Enjoy camping at Lemithang beneath Kang Che Da, Great Tiger Mountain.

Day 11: Lemithang – Laya


In the morning after breakfast, start trekking downhill along a winding river valley. The trail splits and following the river reach the camp site used by the army. Descend further to reach the west side of Laya village which is situated at an altitude of 12680 ft. Camp on a flat piece of land overlooking the east                  end of the Laya village.

Day 12: Laya


Enjoy a leisurely morning. After breakfast, move out of the camp to explore the nearby area of Laya. Retire for the night at the camp in Laya. 

Day 13: Laya – Rodophu


Today the trail descends to the army camp. Trek along the river till you reach Rodophu. After lunch embark the climb through rhododendron bushes for reaching the camp. Stay the night at the camp.

Day 14: Rodophu – Narithang


Post breakfast trek for a distance of 17 Kms. During this five to six hour terk cross Tsimola pass, situated at an altitude of 4700 mts. Enjoy camping at Narithang.

Day 15: Narithang – Tarina


During today’s trek cross Gangla Karchung pass situated at an altitude of 5100 mts. Enjoy the breathtaking view of Masakhang, Tsendegang and Teri Gang mountain ranges from the pass. Descend to Tarina valley situated at an altitude of 3980 mts following a long trail. Stay the night at the camp.

Day 16: Tarina – Woche


Today enjoy an easy walk by following the river down the valley. After lunch climb 300 mts to reach the Woche village. From here the Lunana area begins. Enjoy an overnight stay in the camps.

Day 17: Woche – Lhedi


Today trail crosses the Kachela pass, situated at an altitude of 4480 mts. Stop midway at the Thega village. After exploring the Thega village, follow the Pho Chu River to reach Lhedi village which is situated at an altitude of 3650mts. Enjoy an overnight stay in the camp.

Day 18: Lhedi – Thanza


In the morning after breakfast, continue to trek following the Pho Chhu River which gradually leads to Chozo village. Halt for the lunch and then visit the Chozo Dzong. After visiting the Chozo Dzong continue towards the wide valley. Further cross the bridge to reach Thanza village situated at the foot of Zogophu Gompa. Enjoy overnight stay at the camp in Thanza.

Day 19: Thanza – Halt


Early morning after breakfast, move out of the camp to explore the beautiful surroundings of Thanza. Interact with the hospitable local villagers to know their culture from close. Enjoy the local food in the dinner and overnight stay at the camps.

Day 20: Thanza – Tshochena


Today trek to Tshochena located 18 Kms away from Thanza. Situated at an altitude of 4800 mts it will take 6 to 7 hours to trek to Tshochena. Cross Jazela pass to reach Tshochena. Enjoy dinner and overnight stay at the Tshochena.

Day 21: Tshochena – Jichu Dramo


Today after morning breakfast, head to Jichu Dramo which would require four to five hours of trekking. While trekking cross the Lojula pass situated at an altitude of 4940 mts. During the trek enjoy the mesmerizing surroundings with snow capped mountains in the backdrop. Enjoy dinner and overnight stay in the camp.

Day 22: Jichu Dramo – Chukarpo


After morning breakfast, continue trek to Chukarpo. Following the trail cross Rinchenzoe pass situated at an altitude of 5140 mts. After completing four to five hour long trek stay the night at Chukarpo.

Day 23: Chukarpo – Tampetso


Post breakfast, continue trail along the Tampela Pass situated at an altitude of 4550 mts. On the way enjoy the mesmerizing surroundings around the Umtso Lake which is famous for the religious treasures that Terton Pamalingpa found. Retire for the night in the camp accommodations at Tampetso

Day 24: Tempetso – Maorothang


Today continue to track which goes all the way down the hill passing through the Rhododendron trees to reach the camp. The camp is situated near the banks of Nikka Chu River. Enjoy dinner and night stay in the camps. 

Day 25: Maorothang – Nikachu Chazam


In the morning leave the camp to reach Nikachu Chazam situated at an altitude of 2650 mts. Enjoy the last day of walking as the trail today passes through the agricultural fields and the village of Sephu. Stay the night at the camp in Nikachu Chazam.

Day 26: Nikachu Chazam – Thimphu


Next morning after breakfast, drive to Thimphu. Stop midway for lunch at Wangdi. After lunch resume drive to Thimphu. On reaching Thimphu, get accommodated at one of our listed hotels. Check-in at the hotel for a sumptuous dinner and a comfortable overnight stay.

Day 27: Thimphu


After breakfast, move out for a sightseeing tour of Thimphu. Firstly visit the Tashichho Dzong, the main Secretariat building. After the visit take a leisurely walk to the town and visit the Handicraft Emporium, Craft Bazaar, National Textile Museum and the Folk Heritage Museum. The other major tourist attractions Thimphu include Memorial Chorten, Simtokha Dzong, National Library and the Institute for Zorig Chusum. In the evening return to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay. 

Day 28: Thimphu – Paro Airport


In the morning after breakfast, transfer to Paro airport to board a flight for onward journey.