Terms & Conditions for Outbound Tour

All correspondence(s) in respect of Tours / Travel Services and bookings should be addressed to SINPRA HOLIDAYS


On confirmation of booking your contract is with SINPRA HOLIDAYS. A contract exists between us when we confirm your tour/travel services and we have received the deposit amount from your end.


For the services contracted, a minimum deposit of 25% of the total cost is to be paid by you to SINPRA HOLIDAYS. The deposit is required to hold the booking on confirmed basis.

Balance Payment:

Balance payment is to be made 15 days prior to the date of start of services. Any booking made within 15 working days of the date of services would be considered to be a late booking and for same the full and final payment is required to be made at the time of booking itself.

However, during the high peak season (X-Mas, New Year etc) and in some other special cases full payment is required to be made at the time of booking itself.


  • At time of making the booking all accurate details are required.
  • No amendments are allowed after commencement of travel.
  • All booking must be made on pre-payment basis (i.e. must be paid in full in India before the passenger departure).
  • Payments in INR/Foreign currency must be accompanied by the original passport & tickets of all the passengers traveling.
  • All rates are subject to a revision - if there is a fluctuation in the currency rates.
  • There could be variation of policies for the booking/reservations made by the hotel during the peak season / trade fair/New Year/ Christmas Eve, Public holidays etc.

Mode of Payment:

Domestic clients can make payment using any of the following methods:-

  • By Online Credit Card Payment (American Express / Visa / Master Card / Discover / Diners Club).
  • By Online Debit Card Payment (by Master / Visa / Maestro).
  • By Cash / Cheque / Demand Draft.
  • By Bank Transfer (RTGS & NEFT).


  • In case of payment through credit/ debit card, 3% bank charges would be levied over and above the total amount.
  • All payments should be free and clear of any withholding tax and deduction.
  • Bank charges, if any, for remittance (by remitting bank or by intermediary bank) would be strictly borne by payer.

Payments Procedure:

All payments are to be made in name of SINPRA Holidays

Click here for Payment Procedure

Cancellation Policy :

All services such as Airline seats / Hotel accommodation / Ground transportation etc. for your tour / travel are blocked after the booking is made. We are still liable to pay to all our suppliers / vendors the agreed charges including penalties, if these services are released / cancelled within the below mentioned time frame. If circumstances make you cancel the tour, the cancellation must be intimated to us in writing and cancellation charges payable are provided as below:-

Cancellation charges per person:

  • 21 days before to the departure of the tour - 30 % of the total tour cost.
  • 20 - 15 days prior to the departure of the tour - 60 % of the total tour cost.
  • 14 - 8 days prior to the departure of the tour - 75 % of the total tour cost.
  • 7 days or less prior to the departure for the tour or a "No Show" - 100 % of the total tour cost.
  • For Cancellations/Amendments made whilst on tour - 100 % of the total tour cost.
  • In some cases the cancellation charges may vary or may change & same would be intimated separately on case to case basis.


  • Refund (If any) for amendment and /or cancellation will be paid directly to you for booking made with the company. It would take at least 30 working days to process refund.
  • There is no refund payable for any unutilized or partially utilized services (e.g. Airline Tickets, Meals, Entrance Fee, Optional Tour, Hotel, Sightseeing etc.)
  • The refund for the foreign exchange component of the tour will be refunded in INR only and will be at the prevailing day rate of exchange of the company.
  • Third Party refund i.e. Airline, Cruise, Overseas Suppliers could take between 30 to 90 working days provided relevant supporting documents are provided to the Company.
  • Refunds will be made only in India in INR only as per RBI regulations.
  • There will be no refund for cancellation of reservation after commencement of travel.

Not Included in the Tour Cost:

The cost of gratuities, insurance sightseeing, excess baggage charges, laundry, drinks, tips, airport taxes, meals except where indicated and items of personal nature are not included in the tour cost.

Mandatory Identification Document:

It is Mandatory for all guests (Foreign Nationals, NRI’s and Indian Nationals) to provide Photo ID at the time of booking confirmation. Documents as per details given below are applicable for different categories :

  • For foreign nationals – copy of Passport + Visa is mandatory.
  • For Non Resident Indians clients (NRI client) – copy of passport.
  • For Overseas Indian clients holding OCI / PIO card – copy of passport and copy of OCI/PIO card is mandatory.
  • For domestic clients – copy of Driving License / Voter ID Card / passport is mandatory.

High Season / Trade Fairs / Festivals

Special conditions shall apply for booking high season/trade fairs/festival which will be advised at the time of booking.

Scope of Activity

We are travel and holiday organizers only. We do not control or operate any airline, neither do we own or control any shipping company, coach or coach company, hotel transporter or any other facility as mentioned in the manual. We take care in selecting all ingredients in a client's holiday, But because we only select and inspect them and have no control in running of them, we cannot be held responsible for any injury, death, loss or damage which is caused by the act or default of the management or employees of any hoteliers, airlines, shipping companies, coach owners/coach operators who are the company's independent contractors arising outside our normal selection and in special process.

Hotel Check In and Check Out Timings

Normally the check in is 1400 hrs/ 1500 hrs at all hotels worldwide and the checkout time is 1200 hrs. Early check in and late checkout is always subject to availability at the hotel and can never be guaranteed under any circumstances. Should the clients be arriving early in the morning and be requiring the room on his/her arrival, the room confirmation must be requested for the previous night.

Itinerary Accuracy / Change

All information given on the itinerary is based on the information available at the time of sharing the quote. We reserve the right to change any itinerary information before or after your booking the tour due to any event beyond our control. In case we are aware of any changes sufficiently in advance, we will notify you at the time of booking, otherwise our local representative will inform you of the changes. Major road work may necessitate route changes in the itineraries, Indian restaurants may close or change management, all of these may cause us to make changes in the itineraries. Where we know of these sufficiently in advance we will notify you, otherwise our local representative will inform you of the changes on the spot. Clients are responsible for the adherence to time at all stages of the tour. In the event that a client misses on any part of the sightseeing tour or any such tour due to delay on his part, he will not be entitled to claim refund of the same. The company shall not accept any liability or responsibility for any damages, loss, baggage loss, injury, accident, death, breakdown, or irregularity, which may occur in carrying out the tour arrangement, weather conditions, strikes, war, quarantine and any other cause whatsoever and all such loss or expense must be borne by the client. We reserve the right to claim any additional expenses incurred due to delay or change in schedules of train, aeroplane, bus, ship or other services. We further reserve the right to amend, alter, vary or withdraw any; excursions advertised or substitute a hotel of similar category if deemed necessary. You consent for the amendment/alteration in the itinerary. These terms shall be read together with the itinerary but these terms shall prevail over the itinerary and shall override the brochure/itinerary to the extent that it is contradictory or conflicting thereto.


All baggage and personal effect are at all time and under all circumstances your responsibility. We will not be responsible or liable in case of loss or theft or damage of such items from the hotel premises / Coach / Cruise / Airport / during travel or place of visit etc. Some hotels offer the facility of safe deposit lockers, which can be availed of by you at your own cost and risk. The company will not be liable for any loss / theft from the same. Any damages caused to the hotel rooms / Coach / place of visit etc. during your stay / tour / visit, shall be borne and payable by you, and the company will not be liable for the same. Company is not liable if there is sudden disruption / disorder of telephone, internet services, and other amenities while staying at the hotel. The company will also be not responsible for the facilities provided or not provided in the room / bathroom / hotel premises etc. by the Hotel or its staff. Rude or Unprofessional behavior of hotel staff does not come under the direct purview of the company and the company will not be responsible for the same. Facilities like mini bar, pay television channels, telephone etc are not complimentary and these facilities if used by the client have to be paid for by the client directly to the hotel and such charges are not included in the tour cost. The client will have to abide by the check in /check out time of the hotel. Any changes made directly by the hotel come under their direct purview and we will not be liable for any compensation due to this change.


The Company shall, in no circumstances whatsoever and howsoever caused, shall be liable to the client or any person traveling with him for Loss of Baggage by the Airline, failure to provide meal of the client's choice by the Airline, Overbooking of seats by the Airline, failure on the part of Airline to accommodate client despite having confirmed tickets, Meals offered by the airline/ Quality of meal, Flight delay, if the client misses the flight, Changes of flight schedule / routing / airline mentioned at the time of booking, etc. In this condition the expression 'howsoever caused' includes negligence on the part of client or the service provider. If in the event that the client is booked on a particular Airline on a particular date and due to certain reasons beyond the control of the Company, the client is not allowed to board the flight, the client shall not hold the Company responsible for the same and no claim whatsoever can be made by the client against the Company. All the booking / cancellation / change of the airline ticket and the travel on such airline ticket will be subject to the terms and conditions of respective Airlines and the same may be provided to the client by the company upon request from client. Airlines are operating as per its own norms, rules and regulations and client has to strictly adhere to the same.

Loss / Damage:

Company is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings during the stay in the hotel or while traveling in the coach. Due to theft or loss of baggage, tour participant can lodge a complaint with the local authorities on his/her sole discretion, cost, risk and consequences.

Accommodation for child below 12 years of age:

It is expressed and given to understand that a child below 12 years of age who is booked on the tour paying the special rate without a bed will not be provided with a bed in the hotel while on the tour under any circumstances. In case the client makes any changes in their rooming while on the tour, the company shall not make any refunds or pay any compensation to them. In case the Client decides to make any change in the rooming while on the tour subject to availability, then they shall be bound to pay additional charge.

Cancellation due to visa rejection:

All the clients travelling on SINPRA Holidays tour must be in possession of a valid visa. Client shall ensure that the Visa Application Form (s) is duly filled and verified by the Client, to its satisfaction, before it is submitted to the Embassy. / Consulate. However kindly note that it is entirely at the discretion of the concerned Consulate / Authorities to grant / reject visa even after submitting all relevant documents and the company will not be held responsible for the same. The company is not at all liable for such cases or has any influence on the consulate/embassy's decision The role of the company is only to provide necessary guidance to the client for the purpose of applying for VISA. The company will not be responsible for non-issuance of visa due to receipt of incomplete / delayed documents from the Clients. It is a possibility that the consulate may ask the passengers to appear for a personal interview. This is at the sole discretion of the Consulate / Authorities. If the required documents are not submitted by the client, the issuance of visa will further be delayed / rejected, and the client will not hold SINPRA Holidays liable for the same. Client should adhere to all the norms and conditions laid by the consulate / embassy. Upon rejection of visa, if the client wishes to reapply for the visa, he / she is liable to pay again the requisite fee to the consulate and he / she will not claim same from SINPRA Holidays

Privacy of information:

We treat all the information furnished by you as confidential. However, you consent and authorize us to share all or any information pertaining to you with airline, hotel or other service providers who will provide the services to you during your tour and also to fellow traveler(s). You acknowledge that we shall be constrained to disclose the information furnished by you, if such disclosure is required by the law or by an order of a court or the rules, regulations or enquiry by any government / statutory agency having regulatory or statutory authority over the Company.


Any communication directed at the address or made through / on the contact details such as E-mail id / cell phone / telephone no / fax no. of the Client as provided by the client through whom the client has made the bookings with the company shall be deemed to have been communicated to and received by the Client. The Company shall not responsible for any error on part of mode of communication in this regard.

Conditions of Travel:

A) The prices quoted have been calculated at the rate prevailing at the time of sharing the quotation. The Company reserves the right to amend the prices in case of currency fluctuations, changes in the various gross rates of exchange and /or fuel costs, special / high season charge levied by the suppliers, hike in the airline / rail charges before the date of departure. All such increases in price must be paid for in full before the departure by the client.

B) The company shall in no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the client for:

  • Any over stay expense due to delay or change in bus/air/train /ship or cancellation of special bogie or other service due to sickness, weather condition, strike, war or any other cause whatsoever.
  • Sightseeing missed &/or program being cancelled after the commencement of the tour & before the due period due to any unavoidable situation which are beyond our control.
  • Any Loss/Damage of baggage by the Airlines / Hotels / Coach / Cruise.

C) The Client/Traveler must have his / her passport valid for at least 6 months subsequent to such departure date.

Other Terms:

  • Client' means the personal/persons in whose name or on whose behalf the booking is made.
  • 'Company' means SINPRA HOLIDAYS
  • There is no Contract between the Company and the Client until the company has received the initial deposit as stated in the clause regarding 'payment'.
  • Independent contractors means "Hotelier/Hotel Owners", Owner of any airline or shipping company or railway, ferry boat owner/operator/coach owner/or any other person who has been selected by the company to render service to the client. No person other than the company, in writing, has the authority to vary, add, amplify or waive any stipulation, representation, term or condition.
  • The company shall in no circumstances, whatsoever, be liable to the clients for: Any death, personal injury, sickness accident, loss, delay, discomfort, increased expenses, consequential loss and / or damage or nay misadventure however caused.

    Any act, omission, default or independent contractor or other person or nay servant or Agent employed by them who maybe engaged or concerned in the provision of accommodation, refreshment, carriage facilities or services for the client or for any other person travelling with him howsoever caused.

    The temporary or permanent loss or damage to baggage or personal effects howsoever caused in this condition the expression "howsoever caused" includes negligence on the part of any person.
  • No liability on part of the company arising in any way out of this contract in respect of any tour, holiday, and excursion facility, shall expect the total amount paid or agreed to be paid for the holiday and shall in no case include any consequential loss or additional expense whatsoever.
  • If the clients has any complaint in respect of the service provided any of the Independent Contractors, the client shall immediately notify the same in writing to the independent contractor and with a copy to SINPRA Office where the booking had been made on his return. This will enable our company to take up the matter with the independent Contractor so that in future other clients do not face any difficulty.
  • Each of these conditions shall be severable from the other. If any provision where invalid, illegal or unenforceable then the remaining provision shall nevertheless have full force and effect.
  • The foreign exchange payments are subject to RBI/GOI rules & regulations.
  • Tips are mandatory in Europe.

    "The company has the right, at any time and for any reason, to terminate this contract after acceptance of deposit but prior to the Commencement of Tour without assigning any reason whatsoever".

    The Client confirms that with regard to the booking, the address of the Client as given by him is accurate and complete in all aspects, and the said address will be used by us for determining the "location of the Client" for the purposes of levy of Goods and Service Tax.

Jurisdiction Clause :

All the disputes arising out of this agreement or any other subsequent agreement would be subject to ThaneCourts only.